Rosen Diankov | Research and Projects
(roughly sorted starting from most recent)
Integrating Planning and Vision for Reliable Manipulation
Recently we developed a framework that automatically analyzes the
capabilities of camera sensors and uses this visibility information to
increase success rate of autonomous manipulation. One of the features of
the new framework is that at first we only consider moving a robot to
get a better view of the object. Then during the visual feedback phase,
constantly consider the grasp to use. One interesting phenomena that
occurs is that we actually get faster overall planning times when
considering visibility than when not.
Every system that deals with manipulation planning for robotic arms
benefits greatly from having closed-form inverse kinematic solutions for
the arm. It is really difficult to actually use a robot without the
equations since the search time can increase by more than 10x making any
type of real-time movement impossible. Since my time at CMU, I have
developed many analytical IK solvers that have allowed me to narrow down
the process to a science. Using this knowledge, I have released an
analyatical IK generator that can be used to generate a C++ file that
solves the IK equations for most classes of robots (probably the world's
Given any set of joints for any robot, ikfast can automatically generate
closed-form 6D/3D inverse kinematics solutions for those joints given
the position of the end effector of one of the robot links. It is not
trivial to create hand-optimized inverse kinematics solutions for arms
that can capture all degenerate cases. IKFast automatically detects all
divide by 0 situations and creates special branches to handle those
cases. Whenever a certain variable can be solved in multiple ways,
ikfast chooses the simplest, shortest, and most numerically-stable
solution. IKfast returns all possible solutions, and can handle free
Some robots that whose kinematics can be solved using ikfast:
I had the honor of working at a great robotics startup during the last months of 2008. We were able to get
OpenRAVE successfully running with their ROS system. You can find a video of the PR2 manipulating boxes
Developed algorithms to get any robot to open any door using a new
formulation called caging. One of the advantages of caging a door handle
is that it greatly increases the robot's configuration space and makes
execution less error prone since the hand is not firmly fixed to the
handle. There are several movies of the WAM successfully performing this
task. All this was done with
OpenRAVE, you can find an explanation and source code of the algorithm
in this wiki page.
The first video is the WAM opening a cabinet to put a cup inside.
I'm working on an arm to perform various tasks around the kitchen
environment. Currently the main focus of our group is to get the arm to
autonomously load and unload a dishwasher. Given an arbitrary placement
of mugs, the arm can complete the entire grasp planning and executiong
of putting a mug in the dishrack in about 30-40s. You can find several
movies of this here and here.
For a short time, I worked on a project sponsored by the
Quality of Life Technology Center
to get a wheelchair to autonomously open a door. Although we're still
far from a full finished system, our team has been able to get quite far
in the project. You can see a preliminary video of the wheelchair in
I've been working on several projects involving grasp planning in
complex and dynamic scenes. Grasping an object involves analyzing the
target object and the robot hand for possible stable grasps. This work
stands out because we consider the whole grasp planning task at once
when choosing the grasps. We can quickly pick grasps such that any part
of the robot is not in collision with surrounding objects, all kinematic
capabilities are satisfied, and grasps are still feasible even at the
goal. We've implemented this framework on the HRP2 and BarrettWAM
robots. This research is done jointly with Dmitry Berenson. Download the
paper explaining the method
here and a short video
Planning in complex scenes and managing all robot information is
becoming more and more critical for today's robotic applications. I'm developing
a new open-source robot planning architecture called
OpenRAVE that servers as the center of all high-level processing the
robot has to perform in order to complete its task. Users of OpenRAVE
only have to concentrate on the planning and scripting aspect of their
task without having to worry about the complex details of collision
detections, robot kinematics, dynamic world updates, robot controls,
and scripting environments. The architecture is plug-in based so
that any planner, robot controller, and robot can be dynamically
loaded without having to recompile the core code. This can enable the
robotics community to easily share and compare algorithms.
OpenRAVE also supports a powerful network scripting environment which
makes it easy to control robots and change execution flow during
runtime of the task all using a program like Matlab.

Go to the
OpenRAVE Wiki for installation and usage documentation. The package is publically available under the Lesser GPL.
Statistical Path Planning
I'm very interested in using machine learning techniques to help create
better planners and heuristics. There are some fundamental questions
associated with this work:
- How much can a robot autonomously learn by itself from past failures without any domain knowledge from humans?
- What features should the robot extract from the environment so that it can recognize patterns?
I've done some preliminary work towards this goal in
Randomized Statistical Path Planning to appear in IROS 2007. A randomized version of A* called RA* is also introduced in the paper.
I worked for a while on a small 20 degree of freedom humanoid robot called Choromet made by GeneralRobotix.
I used to work for 2 years at the
Teleimmersion Lab
at UC Berkeley where I developed various algorithms on calibration,
computer vision tracking, and high performance graphics rendering with
GPUs. Our lab was able to combine two dancers from remote locations in
the same virtual space by capturing their 3D point data in real-time
with 48+ cameras. My contribution was a fast way to render point clouds
with GPUs while filling holes and getting rid of outliers called
Adaptive Point Splatting.
Expression Cloning
Developed an algorithm to transfer expressions from one face to another.
You can find more information about the algorithm in this
Game Programming
I've been programming 3D graphics before entering high school. Up until
graduating from UC Berkeley, I've worked on many 3D games and graphics
demos. One of my most notable achievements is dynamic compilation of GPU
shader code to fit the current scene. Basically, instead of having
thousands of preprocessed shaders, the 3D engine I created dynamically
writes the shader code depending on the requirements of the object to be
rendered. Below are some of my projects:
Submitted a game of the ShadowFrame engine to the Independent Games Festival 2005. You can download the demo
here. Note that you'll probably need a graphics card with Pixel Shader 2.0+ support.
Imagine Cup 2005 Rendering Competition (semifinalist).
The purposes of the demo is to show off a nice amalgamate of computer
vision and computer graphics. The ShadowFrame demo uses Intel's OpenCV
computer vision library for detecting the face, and then uses this
motion to control the camera. ShadowFrame uses a number of effects
supported by a very powerful engine made with DirectX 9. The engine also
builds all shaders dynamically to accommodate the different
requirements of every object. These include: high dynamic range
lighting, Reflections, Atmospheric effects, background scene complexity,
Here is the editor that created all this:
You can download the 150Mb demo here along with the editor. Note: If you don't have the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives Library installed, that you won't be able to run face tracking an message box will popup).
ShadowFire 2003
I started programming this large 3D space simulation game around April
2001. The basic concept was that a ship would fly around a huge space
station pick up items, solve puzzles, and destroy enemies that could
come from anywhere. This means that on top of the physics and event
systems necessary for most space simulation games, there needed to be
very robust rendering and collision detection systems that subdivided
the scene for maximum optimization. Since I was working with a team of
artists and designers, the most important part was to design the 3D
engine specifications, all the data formats and databases, and get the
game editors up and running as quickly as possible. Here is a small
feature list of the final product:
Databases - I created a huge database system to manage 3D object
related files: textures, objects, animations, materials, etc. The main
idea was that any object that was displayed would only use an instance
of the database data (which was loaded to video memory depending on how
many objects were currently referencing it)
- Tools - Combined all the small editors into one big huge
integrated editor. In the editor, you can choose to open any one type of
database at a time and work only on it, or open many at the same time.
This enabled different users to work on different parts of the game
without interfering with the data.
- 3D Engine - The rendering engine is extremely fast and
flexible. What the game engine does is it optimizes and builds unique
shaders dynamically depending on the current scene. On top of that, the
engine detects whether the object needs bump mapping or reflections, and
automatically searches for the fastest path to render all the features.
- Collision Detection/Physics - The collision engine is
extremely accurate and physics is taken into account. Any flying object
has its own momentum and mass (even weapons).
- Artificial Intelligence - ships are designed to think about
themselves and about their teammates. The AI model is divided into 3
levels: motor skills (going from point A to B without hitting anything),
action execution (attack/defend/evade), and cognitive thinking
(choosing the next best course of action).
This is a 3D engine I developed in 2000. You can download the exe and source code
here (under the GPL licence).
The engine is made for Win32 and supports
- Clipping
- z buffers
- gouraud shading
- flat shading
- wireframe rendering.
- Simple raytracing so the mouse can grab the polygon and rotate it.
I recommend this to anyone starting out with creating 3D engines. It is designed to mimic the Direct3D API structure.